Selected Digital Media & Interactives
We craft media and interactives to deliver powerful stories, delight and discovery, and playful challenges. Our work includes content and experience development for touchscreen kiosks, immersive experiences, games, mini-theaters, and websites.
Biography of a Redwood
Giants of Land and Sea
California Academy of Sciences
This touchscreen Interactive explores the life history of a massive redwood tree that lived more than 800 years. The interactive accompanies a cross-section of the tree’s trunk, highlighting noteworthy features recorded in its rings. As visitors explore this tree’s life, a larger story emerges: redwoods’ resilience to fire, drought, and disease, and how scientists study their rings to reconstruct climate history.
Kathryn Whitney © California Academy of Sciences
Changing the System Video Kiosk
Skin: Living Armor, Evolving Identity
California Academy of Sciences
A suite of three short documentary videos showcases local organizations and the communities they serve. Each organization responds to inequalities and is working in their communities to advance racial justice in housing, food entrepreneurship opportunities, cultural representation, and outdoor access.
Color Visualizer
Color of Life
California Academy of Sciences
This interactive exhibit blends a physical interface with rich digital content. Its colored strings were inspired by a harp; as users pluck the strings, they activate animations, sounds, and more than 100 fascinating short stories about color in nature.
The interactive serves as a gathering space at the center of the Color of Life exhibition and supports simultaneous users as well as spectators. Overhead, the petals of a suspended sculpture change color as visitors engage with the tactile interface.
Design and production partner: Tellart
Kathryn Whitney © California Academy of Sciences
Lab Dash
Bill Nye’s Climate Lab
Chabot Space & Science Center
This multi-level adventure game, developed for Bill Nye’s Climate Lab, was designed for in-gallery, web, and mobile play. Players took on the challenge of delivering a scientist’s top-secret clean energy technology to the Climate Lab while dodging obstacles and villains. The game was designed for 8 - 14 year-olds and sought to extend the visitor journey outside the science center exhibition; the game integrated with the exhibition’s RFID-based system for personalization and earning points.
Design and development partner: Proximity Lab